I'm sorry I've not been on here blogging away... I have a good excuse, if you want to hear it.
I've been writing. So... I've been busy working on my newest book Raiden Out The Storm. This is my next off-the-rails novel. This book is a threesome, MMF, which was a challenge to write. When I first started on the book, I didn't plan to write a threesome. I didn't actually plan to write this book at all. After I finished 2:05 a.m. I wanted to write a book for the other head of The Originals. At the end of 2:05 a.m. Teagan, Mother's right hand, is captured by the H.S.P.C. and sentenced to be given Snow Flu. After I wrote the last line of 2:05, I knew without a doubt that I wanted to tell you Teagan's story. I wanted you to know why she did what she did. I got to work on that book right away. I was about 43,000 words into it, when I was suddenly hit with the need to write about Raiden (pronounced Ride-in) If you don't remember, Raiden Muttson (Mutt) is a secondary character from 2:05 a.m. He's the harvester who helps Arrow and Nova on their train. I can't explain exactly why the need to write a story for him hit me, but once the idea sunk it's teeth into me, it wouldn't let go. So I left Teagan's book and began working on Raiden Out The Storm. Now the time has come to share this new book. I have to say, I was nervous about it. I'm a straight man attempting to write a threesome with a bi-sexual character. Not something I thought I'd be doing, but it was my sister Meghan and her daughters who were the most encouraging. My wife and I had talked about this book, and when I mentioned that I was concerned about the judgments I'd get creating this work, she told me that my sister Meghan and my nieces, thought I was trendy. They said I should just write and not worry about others. I've heard that advice before. People always say that you should write what amuses you and forget about the critiques, but this warmly supportive response coming from my family was the antidote I needed. I don't have a close relationship with my family, not like my wife and her siblings, and to hear them be so kind and helpful inspired me to write. A big thank you to Meghan, Kaelie, Fiona, and Elica. And even a thank you to Joel for being the devils advocate about this piece. Raiden Out The Storm is now finished and with my publisher. Once it's polished, the book will be out and I will be back to Teagan's story. Even though I took a break, I do still have the urge to finish that book. I can't wait to tell you about her too!
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