I have been pondering a George Orwell quote for the past few days. It was in the Notable & Quotable section of the Wall Street Journal and shared with me by a family member. (Thank you Matt.)
Here is the quote: "All writers are vain, selfish, and lazy, and at the bottom of their motives lies a mystery. Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout with some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand." I have mediated on this for days now and no matter how I go over it, I still end up feeling like I equally disagree with George Orwell, and also agree at the same time. You see, I have met writers now in the Troll River Publishing house and I would describe none of them as vain or lazy or selfish. They are all generous, hardworking and... If they are vain I've never seen it. However, I have considered the aspect of writing (Especially editing as I am editing Grinding My Gears right now.) and I would agree that there is some demon inside of me that is a mystery. I can not resists the lure of my keyboard or the constant babble of the characters in my head. As for writing being like a painful illness, I don't know what George Orwell was doing but I don't find it painful. I say that now, but I guess it might hurt once I see my first edits come back from the publishing house. Maybe he just had a mean editor? He should have met my favorite Troll Stephanie then maybe he wouldn't have considered it quite so bad.
For about the last decade my New Year's Celebration is my wife and I looking into the future. We gain a new perspective on what we are about to face in the upcoming year. Each year we watch movies that take place in the up coming year. This year's 2017 celebration included two horribly great videos, Barb Wire with Pamela Anderson, and Cherry 2000 with a very young Melanie Griffith. My wife and I had a few family and friends over to partake in our annual entertainment. The mixed company made the movies that much better. Each film turned into our own private Mystery Science Theater. I personally was more thrilled with the commentary. Pamela Anderson always spoke like she was forcing air out while trying to talk. It reminded me of a woman who was trying way to hard to sound sexy. "Half the money? Fine. I'll take half of your daughter". I am not sure if I should be turned on, or appalled she wants to cut a teen in half. Talk about getting mixed signals there. However, Melanie Griffith's voice didn't fit the part either. She was suppose to be this harden "Tracker", but her voice is something you would hear on Teletubbies. I couldn't take her character seriously. The lead bad guy takes the prize for best lines though. You would think the boss, Lester, would have a military like control over his men, but he doesn't. Lester comes off strong yet endearing. "Be friendly, yet firm, and don't break anything. Especially you". "We're counting on you men. Keep the sun out of your eyes, and be yourselves". Yes, those are actual lines from Cherry 2000.
I look forward to next year's party. Our movie list consists of Iron Sky, Rollerball, and Termination Salvation so far. I want to warn you all as we head into 2017... We need to wear more leather, listen to grunge music, and... Toaster ovens are what we use as money. Just a heads up. |
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